Sunday, May 16, 2010

We Need San Juan’s Day

As you probably have figured out, Spain has more holidays than a dog has fleas. Sometimes I wonder how they get anything done at all over here. The latest is San Juan’s Day. Who would have thought that Saint John the Baptist would have his own holiday? And if you are going to have a holiday named after you, why not make it an all night party on the beach.

I was having dinner with my friend Kevin. We were well aware of this holiday. It comes with an endless supply of fireworks making the 4th of July look like an amateur celebration. Every kid in Barcelona has his own stash of bottle rockets, pinwheels, firecrackers guided missiles and anything else they can get their hands on. So all day long we were treated to a constant attack of loud bangs and shooting rockets. At dinner things started to build. So after a nice plate of local cuisine, we decided to wander down to the beach. You see, this holiday involves an all night party on the beach. And the beaches were packed. What started out as a quilt-work of blankets and candles turned in to shoulder-to-shoulder dancing and partying. It was truly amazing. DJ’s blasting out music and people clustered in groups that fluidly welcomed everyone on the beach for a fun time. And this party doesn’t end until the sun rises over the horizon. With the first rays of day, everyone jumps into the ocean fully clothed. Their sins are washed away and they can start a new year sparkling clean. Thanks John the B. Nice night by a guy that really knows how to throw a party.

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