Friday, July 23, 2010

Popping Around the Peloponnesus

For the next month we plan to sail the Peloponnesus peninsula of Greece. One reason we chose to do this is because it is July and the hordes of tourists are descending on the Mediterranean. The Peloponnesus is a less traveled area. The other reason is we have heard so much about the beauty of this area.

Our first stop to Epidhavros does not disappoint you. It is a quiet new port with travernas and a small yacht harbor. Yeah really small. Our boat took up the whole outside quay of the harbor. The water was so clear you could see it teaming with schools of fish. Locals hang out until the wee hours of the morning making a paste of sardines and casting their lines into the water. Fish reward them for their efforts and they leave with dinner in a pail of saltwater. This port is a jumping off port to visit the ancient city of Ephidhavros whose crowning monument is a big 14,000 seat outdoor theater that is so intact; it is still regularly used for events. The ancient draw of this city was the beginning healing arts of medicine. In ancient times it was a sanctuary of the Askeplion religious cult dedicated to healing the sick. After paying your offering, you would enter the sacred temple, drink of the holy water and then sleep on the floor. During the night, the gods would take the sickness from your body if you were worthy.

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