Monday, July 30, 2007


We left the big city life of Corfu and headed to the tranquil island of Paxi. Dotted with a few fishing villages, this little island has more than its share of captivating views. We pulled up to the quay of a small town with fishing roots that have long been grafted into tourist catering. It is an easy transition with the quaint village architecture dating back from centuries gone by. We rented scooters for 15 euro and headed to a couple remote villages on the other side of the island. It was the tucked away beaches and isolated beaches that drew us there. And we were rewarded with a day filled with both. The beaches in most of Europe is not the sandy beaches we are used to, but mostly small pebbles of smooth stones. Not quite as soft as sand, but it doesn’t get caught between your toes. Snorkeling right off shore, I see plenty of sea urchins and lots if fish that growing up I thought only lived in aquariums. If it sounds like we are having the time of our lives, well, we are.

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